Lost Car Documentation – What To Do.

Lost Car Documentation – What To Do.

Lost logbook (V5C)

Selling a car without a registration document.


How to apply for a new vehicle logbook via DVLA form V62

If you have defaced or lost your vehicle V5C logbook, you can still transfer ownership of your car or sell it to a third party.

It’s also lawful to do so IF there is no outstanding finance, such as a logbook loan or Hire Purchase.

women who lost her logbook and needs and urgent v5c replacement

The legal owner of a car is the person who bought it. Your lost V5C logbook holds the registered keeper and is not proof of ownership.

DVLA vehicle registration document is required for change of ownership. Without one the registered keeper must apply via the V62 form.

Selling car without V5?

Use a CarVeto certificate when selling.
Can be helpful if you have lost your V5C log book and are about to sell.

Certificates prove a car with a lost log book doesn’t have a worrying history.

Related links

The V5 holds all the pertinent information about your car, including:

  • Registered keeper details
  • Full vehicle details
  • Change of ownership
  • VIN
  • Contact forms when notifying DVLA of changes to the vehicle or who is responsibly for it.

Let DVLA know if you have bought or sold a vehicle
When you sell a car DVLA can be notified online, and you’ll get an instant refund for any overpaid road tax licence.

If you are buying or selling a used car, an up-to-date vehicle log book is helpful.

Selling a car without a V5 (registration document)

You can sell a car without the DVLA logbook, but the new keeper needs to apply for a new one using the V62 application form. A new car reg document costs £25 and the fee must be included with the V62 application.

New logbooks are usually sent within 10 days of applying, but may take up to six weeks.

Managing a car sale without the V5C

After you have agreed on a sale, provide the buyer with a receipt (bill of sale) that includes the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • Date of sale
  • Vehicle make and model
  • VRM (vehicle registration mark) informally known as car reg number
  • VIN (this is best practice)
  • Buyers full name and address
  • Agreed price and method of payment (ideally BACS transfer)
  • Signatures of the buyer and the seller

Typically, with a private sale, the registered keeper will complete section 2 of the new styled V5C and send to DVLA, Swansea. SA99 1BA. The new owner retains the green Section 6 until their new logbook arrives. The buyer is responsible for having car insurance.

Without a logbook, the buyer will need to complete the DVLA V62 form and apply for a logbook as the new owner/keeper.

Click the next link if you want to sell your car online. There’s a full guide on providers and things to look out for.

I have lost my logbook, what are the steps to selling?

Most of us know the pitfalls when buying a car privately. Without the V5C logbook and other car documentation, you’ll find it tricky to sell your car, as it can appear a little suspicious.


Why a seller may not have the V5C

  • The registered keeper has been a little irresponsible and not applied to DVLA for a new document (V62 form).
  • Vehicle is stolen
  • Vehicle is cloned
  • It is written off previously

To legitimise the sale, use a CarVeto and DVLA vehicle check certificate. It will prove the vehicle is not stolen, written off or with outstanding finance.

Without the V5, you can’t find out who the registered keeper might be or the number of previous owners (key facts in determining if the car is a worthwhile investment). A CarVeto certificate provides some missing logbook vehicle details.


Getting an urgent logbook V5C replacement

Applying and receiving a new V5 via DVLA is quick and simple. It takes a week or two and costs £25 via the V62 application.

Go to DVLA logbook replacements and get a new one today: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/application-for-a-vehicle-registration-certificate

If the buyer remains interested in your car with a lost logbook, they are likely to haggle hard on price.

What are logbook loans?

This type of lending allows the owner to borrow money against the value of their car. It requires handing over the V5C to the lender and signing a short-term credit agreement. For the duration of the loan, the vehicle belongs to the lender, but you can make monthly payments and continue using your car.

However, it is illegal to sell it until paid off.

Logbook loans explain another reason why the registered keeper might not have the V5C doc.

You can now see the issue a buyer has when a car is without all its documentation and obvious concerns of outstanding finance that risks losing money and the vehicle.

How do I notify DVLA of scrapping my car without a logbook?

When your car has reached its end of life, get it dismantled at an authorised treatment facility ATF, informally known as car breakers or scrapyards.

Dismantling a car does not require a logbook as you usually notify DVLA online. You can scrap your vehicle at an AFT and then notify DVLA you have taken your vehicle to an AFT.

[Vehicle being dismantled at an AFT Authorised Treatment Facility]

notify DVLA once you have scrapped your car at an authorised treatment facility (AFT)

What is DVLA best practice when I have lost my logbook?

Keep vehicle documentation up to date at times. It takes just a few minutes to let them know of a change to your vehicle or its ownership by sale or transfer.

Even if you have lost your logbook, it costs just £25 and a simple V62 form application. This is demanded of DVLA to help keep registered keepers within the law. Indeed, it is more manageable than dealing with issues arising from out of date information or loss of money resulting from a sale or transfer.


Related articles

Car Finance Checks.

Car Finance Checks.

Outstanding car finance check

Learn about outstanding finance car loans


Steps to buying a used car safely and legally

Check a vehicle before you buy:

  • Hire Purchase
  • Logbook loans
  • Any contract purchase lending such has PCP
  • Any other type of car finance

Our car finance checker highlights any such lending secured against the vehicle.

Check outstanding finance

Enter a car registration number
(Example, DF17 ZKL)

Or start off with a free car history check to confirm details and see if a finance company owns the car.

Screenshot of a CarVeto outstanding finance check

CarVeto outstanding finance check from car history report

Definition of a car with outstanding finance

Use CarVeto history check for a car registration check that includes over 50 data points.

When a vehicle has money owed against it via a finance company or other type of lending body, it carries outstanding finance.

It is a secured type of lending. If payments are not maintained, the vehicle can be repossessed.

Common finance types

There is a range in today’s market. Here are the main ones offered in the UK:

  • Hire Purchase (HP)
  • Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)
  • Personal Contract Hire (PCH)
  • Lease-Purchase

When such legal agreements are in place against a vehicle, it is illegal to buy or sell before the debt is paid off, in full.


More information about each product

It’s worth noting here, Lease Purchase and Personal Contract Hire are two types of finance where the borrower never owns the car. Therefore, leased vehicles are not advertised for sale.

If you find a lease-purchase or personal contract purchased vehicle for sale, considering contacting the lending company or the Police.



Personal Contract Purchase is a little different. PCP allows a lower monthly repayment for a set period (usually three or four years). Once the agreement is complete, the borrower/driver/registered keeper has the option to pay a final ‘balloon payment’ and take full ownership of the vehicle. Or, they have the right to decline a complete purchase and get a new PCP deal.


Hire Purchase ends with full ownership of the vehicle. At the point of Purchase, the borrower typically pays around 10% deposit and lends the remainder over a set period of years (one to five). The repayments are higher than a PCP deal, but the car is owned outright at the end of the contracted agreement.

Checking a vehicle for outstanding finance

Buying or selling a vehicle with an existing finance agreement causes a wide range of problems. Go here to check outstanding finance on a car.

Otherwise, you must deal with the finance company owed money, the previous owner who sold you the car and possibly need to seek legal advice with Citizens Advice Bureau or a solicitor.

It is quick and straightforward to see if the car you want can be purchased safely and legally. CarVeto Platinum check will search and return accurate data for any UK registered vehicle; this includes any outstanding finance checks.

The information we provide is sourced via Experian and includes a £30,000 finance data guarantee.


Enter a car reg number here

Each CarVeto Platinum check includes:

  1. Lending company
  2. Type of finance agreement
  3. Agreement number
  4. Finance company contact information (most times this is a direct phone number)

When we return a finance alert, your car report will result with Warning status. Customers need to act with caution and take additional steps before paying a holding deposit or buying the car outright.

see if it is legal to sell a car with outstanding finance

In all cases, do not buy the car until you have written confirmation, there is no outstanding loan held against it.

Car finance owing on a used car you want to buy

Buying a used car privately can save money, but it also comes with risk compared to buying from a dealer or auction. Check out your Consumer Rights when buying a car.

Typically, once you buy a car privately, you take on its problems and are financially liable if anything goes wrong.

Main things to watch out for include:

  • Outstanding finance
  • Write-offs
  • Theft/stolen
  • Mileage issues

CarVeto check will flag any of these issues. Your report will also highlight:

  • Import/export
  • Scrapped/unscrapped
  • VIC inspections
  • All number plate changes including plate numbers and dates of transfer
  • MOT history and advisory notes
  • askMID Motor Insurance database checks
  • Registered near data (especially useful when buying privately)
  • Road tax information
  • Colour changes

The report runs over 20 checks with data points including DVLA, Experian, DVSA, Police Theft Markers, MIB and MIAFTR


CarVeto best-practice when buying private

Here are the steps to staying safe and within the law

  • Tell the registered keeper you know the car has outstanding finance
  • Ask the owner how much is outstanding and the type of agreement they have.
  • Via your CarVeto report, contact the finance company and confirm the amount owing. In most cases, the company will confirm an approximate amount -outstanding and the type of agreement, i.e. Hire Purchase or Conditional Sale Agreement
  • Inform the seller you will buy the car once the finance is paid in full, and you have the settlement letter directly from the finance company
  • Confirm the finance is paid and do not rely on the word of the seller.
  • Obtain a settlement letter from the lending company. It is the crucial step that will keep you inside the law and well away from legal issues down the road. It can also prevent loss of the vehicle and money paid to buy it.

With evidence of outstanding finance paid off, you are safe to go ahead and buy the car.

Note, the lending company updates the car finance Asset Register every 30-days.
CarVeto relies on the data of Asset Registers (in our case, Experian). So, expect a small delay in finance information updates on any future CarVeto report.

Useful resources on Asset Register

Buying a car from a dealer

Check our Stocking Loan guide for full details.

In short, Stocking Loans are a finance facility used by car dealers to fill up their forecourts.

Lending companies such as Black Horse Motor Finance provide a capped facility that allows a dealer to buy cars on their behalf and sell from the forecourt. Have a look at Asset Funder https://assetfunder.co.uk/Products/Stocking-Loan for more information.

The vehicle belongs to the finance company and not the dealer. The dealer is effectively selling on behalf of the lending house and earning a profit.

With the vehicle sold, the dealer repays the finance to the lending company, who often reinvest into another car to sell.

CarVeto flags Stocking Loan agreements and raises a Warning status.

In the main finance section of your report, look to the ‘Finance type‘ for ‘Stocking Loan‘ or ‘Unit Stocking‘.

See image below:

[Image displaying a CarVeto finance check and dealer Unit Stocking Loan]

Steps to manage a car with a Unit Stocking Loan

Note, Unit Stocking is relatively safe. It is sporadic to encounter any type of legal issue when buying a car with an outstanding Stocking Loan.

But, motorists should buy with caution.

Avoid the unnecessary risk and safeguard your money.

Here is what to do:

  1. Discuss with the dealers and ask when the finance can be paid back
  2. Ask for proof in the form of a settlement letter. The letter should be on headed paper or business email and include the name and trading address of the dealership along with their VAT registration number.
  3. Consider contacting the lending company directly, ensuring the Stocking Loan agreement is legitimate. Ask what their best practice is and follow the steps suggested.

Best practice – obtain a settlement letter from the finance company rather than the dealers.

Selling a car on finance

Privately with Hire Purchase

Before you attempt to put your car up for sale, see our latest guide for how to sell a car (helpful when you need a quick sale with minimal hassle).

Key points:

  • The lender remains the legal owner of your vehicle until the Hire Purchase contract is settled, in full.
  • You are not legally allowed to sell until you own 100% of the vehicle.
  • You may settle any outstanding debt early to take full ownership.
  • Be mindful of your contractual requirements and agreement at the Point of Purchase. There may be a financial penalty for settling early.


Exiting your contract

You can return your car if you have paid less than half of the agreed total cost. However, to enable this, you will need to pay any remaining instalments that bring you up to half the vehicle value.

Anything over half the total loan amount means you cannot return the vehicle.

Note, the total costs include all of the loan interest and fees accumulated over the whole loan period.


Hire Purchase Voluntary Terminations

Check out your contract as a Voluntary Termination offers an exit from the loan deal provided 50%, or more, of the total loan cost repaid.

But, consider your credit rating as there are no guarantees it will remain in good standing.

Early settlements save on the amount of interest paid. It’s a way to save money, but you’re likely to incur some type of exit fee that stacks up as either:

  • 0.5% of the amount outstanding (when there are less than a year’s payments remaining)
  • 1% of the total outstanding loan amount

If the outstanding balance is less than £8,000, the interest becomes payable instead.

Selling a car privately with a Personal Contract Purchase

Contract rules for Hire Purchase and Personal Contract Purchase are similar. Until you have paid the whole outstanding balance, the vehicle remains the property of the lender.

There are a couple of options for ending a PCP agreement early via the Voluntary Termination clause – use the following link from the Consumer Credit Act of 1974 Section 99 that describes your right to return your car to the provider.


Option one

Having paid off at least half of the financial agreement, you can return the vehicle to your provider. Anything less than 50% and you must pay the difference. Again, this is the total accumulated amount – lend amount, interest and fees.


Option two

Settle the agreement before the end of the contract and retain your vehicle.

If it is affordable, a full repayment may save money if the figure is less than the total cost via monthly repayments.

Trading a car with outstanding finance

Obtain a settlement figure from the lending company. This amount must be paid off in full before you can legally trade or part exchange your car.

Settlement figures remain static for a set period (one to four weeks). The lending company will provide written confirmation if requested (helpful when selling your car privately).

Find out how much is owed versus the value of your car.

Owing more than the value of the car is known as negative equity. If you choose to sell to a dealer, you must give them the vehicle and pay the finance company the difference.

Note, it may be possible to trade your car with outstanding finance, but, its sale value will be significantly less than selling privately. So, if you can afford to repay the loan amount and sell privately, it will likely be a better financial decision.

The next step now is a CarVeto outstanding finance check before you buy. We provide a useful free report with options to buy a Gold or Platinum check before purchase.

Get a free check using a vehicle registration number

For more reading, see how to get a stolen car check for free.

The team at CarVeto.

BVRLA, DVLA & RMI Mileage Data Sets (New)

BVRLA, VOSA and RMI mileage combined data

Enhancing Car History Checks with Additional Mileage Data: Combating the Growing Problem of Clocked Vehicles in the UK

The latest extensive mileage data alerts are provided by CarVeto

RMI and BVRLA mileage checks


Car history checks are crucial in providing peace of mind to motorists buying or selling vehicles in the UK.

Recently, CarVeto has obtained additional mileage data, which allows us to enhance these checks by identifying mileage discrepancies more accurately.

In this article, we will discuss the growing problem of clocked vehicles, the impact of clocking on vehicle safety and value, how technology is helping combat clocking, and how the additional data can help CarVeto customers better identify such vehicles.

Read on below or search mileage history with a vehicle registration number. 

Get a detailed mileage history

Enter a registration number (number plate) below

Our data is provided by BVRLA, RMI and VOSA (DVSA) for an accurate assessment of all mileage history

The Problem of Clocking in the UK

Clocking, or manipulating a vehicle’s odometer to display lower mileage than it has travelled, has been a growing problem in the UK for many years.

The law and authorities have provided little resistance to mileage adjustment activities, making it easy for individuals to obtain mileage adjustment equipment online or find a garage that offers an adjustment service.

Additionally, the rise of Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) and Personal Contract Hire (PCH) finance products, which make up over 80% of new car finance and 50% of used car finance, come with mileage allowances that incentivise downward mileage adjustment.

It helps vehicle owners avoid extra charges incurred if they exceed the allotted mileage.

The Growing Prevalence of Clocked Vehicles

HPI vehicle history checks have been assessing their mileage data for several years. In 2014, they reported that 1 in 20 UK vehicles were clocked. By 2021, this figure had increased to 1 in 11 cars.

CarVeto’s assessment, based on Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) data from 2020, showed that 1 in 18 vehicles had their mileage adjusted, with an average reduction of over 46,000 miles.

Bar chart explaining how car clocking and mileage discrepancy is rising in the UK.

The Benefits of Additional Mileage Data in Car History Checks

The recently obtained additional mileage data enables CarVeto to enhance the mileage discrepancy check, particularly for vehicles in their first three years (pre-MOT check).

The new data provides access to up to 188 million mileage records, significantly improving the accuracy and comprehensiveness of mileage car history checks. It helps our customers better identify clocked vehicles and make more informed decisions when buying or selling cars.

Sources of the Additional Mileage Data

The additional mileage data comes from various industry sources, including:

  • British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association HPI check (BVRLA vehicle mileage database): This source provides in-life and disposal mileage readings from the BVRLA’s motor leasing and hire company members.
  • Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI): The RMI database includes readings submitted by retailers and garages that are members of the RMI. These readings result from stock audits, servicing, repairs, and other related activities.
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA): The DVLA provides mileage data through information submitted by vehicle keepers on V5C logbooks and V62 forms.
Mileage partners BVRLA, RMIF and DVLA.

The Impact of Clocking on Vehicle Safety and Value

Clocking can lead to unexpected maintenance costs and safety risks for vehicle owners. A tampered odometer may have missed essential maintenance services, resulting in underlying mechanical issues.

A buyer may overpay for a clocked vehicle, while an honest seller may struggle to sell their car at a fair price.

How Technology is Helping Combat Clocking

Advancements in digital odometers and vehicle telematics are playing a significant role in preventing and detecting clocking.

Modern digital odometers are more difficult to tamper with, and their integration with vehicle systems makes mileage data more consistent and reliable. Vehicle telematics, which collects and transmits data about a vehicle’s usage, can provide valuable information to identify mileage discrepancies and combat clocking.

Advice for Buyers and Sellers to Protect Themselves from Clocked Vehicles

To protect themselves from the risks associated with clocked vehicles, buyers, and sellers can take several steps:

  1. Verify mileage through car history checks: CarVeto’s comprehensive vehicle history check, now enhanced with additional mileage data, can help buyers identify potential mileage discrepancies before purchasing a vehicle.
  2. Examine service records: Service records can provide valuable information about a vehicle’s maintenance history and help verify its mileage. Look for inconsistencies or gaps in the documents that may indicate odometer tampering.
  3. Conduct a visual inspection: Inspect the vehicle for signs of wear and tear that may be inconsistent with its reported mileage. Pay close attention to the steering wheel, pedals, and upholstery.
  4. Maintain accurate records: For sellers, maintaining correct documents and documentation, such as service receipts and MOT certificates, can help prove a vehicle’s mileage history and instil confidence in potential buyers.


Incorporating additional mileage data into CarVeto car check is a significant step in combating the growing clocking problem in the UK.

By providing more comprehensive and accurate information on mileage discrepancies, we can help motorists make better-informed decisions when buying or selling vehicles. This enhanced level of transparency contributes to a more trustworthy marketplace and deters potential fraudsters from attempting to deceive buyers.

As CarVeto continues to improve our car history checks with the integration of this new data, we remain committed to protecting the interests of our customers and promoting a safer and more open automotive market.


Related content

Transferring car owner or address

Transferring car owner or address

Tell DVLA of a change of ownership from a sold, purchased or transferred car


DVLA and changes of name or address to the V5C logbook


How to report vehicle changes online and offline

Part of every sale and transfer of a used car involves telling the DVLA. You may sell a car privately, to trade such as a dealer or car buying service, your spouse, or another family member, or if the registered keeper has died.

Below are the steps to DVLA change of ownership and/or V5C change of address.

This guide stipulates the steps you need to take with or without the V5C registration document of car ownership, otherwise known as the logbook.

In most cases, DVLA prefers online notifications, although you can still use the appropriate sections of the logbook if you have one or via a logbook application form V62. There are instances where hardcopy notification is compulsory.

Around 20% of the data we source is direct from DVLA. Other sources include Police theft markers, National Insurance Database, MIAFTR, MIB, Experian and a few more.

A CarVeto provides a thorough, online history for any car registered in the UK from new.

For those buying or selling a used car

Related guides

Private sale change of owner (change log book online)

How to transfer car ownership online (DVLA new keeper)

Online notification via the DVLA website is quick and easy, with some standard questions about new owner information.

To notify you have sold a car, you need the 11-digit V5C logbook reference number with the name and address of the new owner.

Note, this step should only be taken after the sale or transfer has been agreed in full.

We recommend transferring car ownership online because the DVLA new keeper is instantly notified, and the new registered keeper will receive their logbook, usually within 5 days.

Should the new owner trigger a speed camera or parking fine right after buying the car, DVLA will instantly know who is responsible. Use a free car check to examine car history.

Image displaying the V5C 11-digit reference number

Change address v5 DVLA logbook reference number

Private sale change of owner (register new keeper DVLA)

Transfer ownership offline with the car registration document

Complete the new keeper details in Section 6 and complete the V5C logbook check. This part of your car document is used for transfer of ownership and existing owner change of name or address.

It is mandatory to include the date of sale of the transfer. There are options to include the mileage at the time of sale (DVLA find this information useful as a method to flag car clocking) and/or the person’s driving licence number.

Note the letter K in section 6. Always tick this box as confirmation of the DVLA change of keeper or personal details.

Finally, complete Section 8 by signing the declaration. Both yourself and the new keeper must sign the document. Send this part of the document to the DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BN.

The new keeper will receive their logbook within 4 weeks but usually it’s within 7 days.

Image displaying Section 6 of V5C

Tick box K and include the date of sale or transfer of ownership

New keeper supplement

The new owner might expect to take the logbook home with them. Instead, they get the green new keepers supplement, Section 10 V5C/2. The new keeper can tax the vehicle with this section if required but should be destroyed once their new logbook arrives.

Related article:
Use the following link to read more about car owner changes from a CarVeto history report

Image displaying Section 10 of V5C (New Keeper Supplement)

Complete the new keepers supplement Section 10. The new keeper must keep this section until DVLA send a new logbook

Change of owner from a death

First, try to access the ‘Tell Us Once’ .gov service https://www.gov.uk/tell-dvla-about-bereavement/keeping-the-vehicle. It’s not available nationwide, so you’ll need to check it out for yourself.

Alternatively, notify by letter. Include your relationship to the existing owner, the date when they passed away, and their personal details.

Send the letter to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AB

Keeping a vehicle after a death

This easily occurs, and you’ll need to let DVLA know your intentions. Complete Section 6 of the logbook and mark the New Keeper box.

Existing vehicle tax

Send the V5C and retain Section 10. It is best to write a brief letter explaining your situation and intention. There may be a road tax refund due. Let DVLA know where that payment should be made.

Send your letter together with the logbook to DVLA Sensitive Casework Team, Swansea, SA99 1ZZ.

Once done, you can go ahead and tax the car online or at the post office with the Section 10 slip.

DVLA SORN notification

SORN DVLA is commonplace after death as executors, friends of family members may not know what to do with the vehicle left over by the deceased. You can include the V890 form alongside your letter and the V5C logbook. This allows you to take the car off the road without the need for car insurance or road tax.

Again, there may be refunds due for any advance payments of a road fund licence.

No logbook

There is a fee of £25 with a completed V62 logbook application form (use this link to download the PDF provided below):


Again, include a brief letter explaining the death and their personal details. Use the same address DVLA Swansea SA99 1ZZ.

As above, if you plan to SORN the car, include the V890 form:

Here is the link: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/807217/v890-make-a-statutory-off-road-notification.pdf

Selling a car after the registered owner has died

Without logbook

If you don’t have the logbook, there is the V62 application form and fee of £25 to apply for a new logbook. This includes selling privately or to the motor trade.

Use the following citation for notifying DVLA online about selling a car after a death: https://www.gov.uk/tell-dvla-about-bereavement/selling-the-vehicle

With logbook

If you have the logbook and are selling privately, complete Section 6. Include a brief letter explaining the death, date of death etc and request for any road tax refund.

If selling to the trade, complete Section 9. This enables the dealer to retain the car from the change of ownership together with the logbook, so they may resell the car. You will need to send Section 9 to DVLA and send with your letter explaining the circumstances.

Send all of this information to DVLA Sensitive Casework Team, Swansea, SA99 1ZZ.

DVLA Sold car to a dealer

An outright sale or part exchange to a car dealer requires that you complete Section 9, also known as the Yellow Slip V5C/3. Include the dealer’s trading name, registered address, VAT number and date of sale. Both parties must sign, and you send:

Sold my car DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BN.

The dealer keeps the rest of the V5C logbook, but they are not the car’s registered keeper.

Image displaying Section 9 of V5C (Notification of DVLA Sell My Car to a Motor Trader, Insurer, or Dismantler)

Section 9 of V5C notifying DVLA of selling a car to a dealer

Selling a car without a logbook

CarVeto strongly recommends not buying or selling a car without a valid V5C logbook. We check thousands of vehicle every year and a huge 3% are classed as stolen via Police theft markers or motor insurance claims resulting in a payout.

Selling without a logbook is a red flag and can indicate that the car is stolen goods.

Selling a car without V5C logbook

As you can see, having a V5C is imperative to changing vehicle ownership easily whether you complete the process online or via post. The DVLA actively advises motorists to not buy a car if the seller doesn’t have the V5C because it is difficult to tax and you could be purchasing a stolen vehicle.

Best practice dictates applying for a new logbook via the V62 form together with a fee of £25. It will make your sales process much easier and you remain safe and within the law.

Taxing a car after notifying DVLA of change of ownership

The law changed some years ago preventing motorists from transferring road tax. The new keeper must tax a car in order to drive legally on public highways.

Useful links
This article provides car owner registration information
This recent guide covers DVLA stolen car check


The team, CarVeto

Citations included in this article:

Tell DVLA about a change of owner: https://www.gov.uk/sold-bought-vehicle/y
Tell Us Once: https://www.gov.uk/tell-dvla-about-bereavement/keeping-the-vehicle
DVLA SORN application page: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/v890-statutory-off-road-notification-sorn
V890 SORN application form PDF: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/807217/v890-make-a-statutory-off-road-notification.pdf
V62 Logbook application form PDF: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/781426/v62-application-for-a-registration-certificate.pdf
Selling a car after a death: https://www.gov.uk/tell-dvla-about-bereavement/selling-the-vehicle
Driving and medial issues: https://www.gov.uk/health-conditions-and-driving 

Registered keeper versus legal owner

Registered keeper versus legal owner

DVLA registered keeper vs the legal owner of a car.

How DVLA and Police regard car ownership.


Who owns a car when the main driver is not the DVLA registered keeper?

The V5C logbook provided by DVLA is not evidence of legal car ownership. Instead, it states the name and address of the registered keeper as the responsible owner or driver of the vehicle.

Nearest car ownership information

Reports includes all ownership dates of change, number of previous keepers, last V5C issue, registered near data.

Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency make a clear statement on the V5 logbook stipulating the document is not proof of ownership. It means the DVLA registered keeper is not always the legal owner of a car.

Image text “This V5C logbook is NOT proof of ownership”

how to prove registered keeper ownership of a car

Who is the legal owner of a vehicle?

The buyer is the individual who owns a car. That may or may not be the registered keeper with DVLA.

This guide explains if it’s possible to find car owner by registration number.

Company cars are a good example of this. The company may be the legal owners (unless the car is subject to a finance or lease agreement) as they have purchased the vehicle. The driver registers it with their name and address via DVLA logbook and drives the vehicle for business and domestic purposes. There is a good reason for doing this.

Similarly, a family member such as a father might purchase a car on behalf of their son or daughter who registered their personal details with DVLA.

Driving within the law

The registered keeper is responsible to the DVLA and Police in case of:

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Parking offences
  • Speeding fines (cameras)

Although the individual may not be the legal owner of the car, they assume responsibility for it. Use one of CarVeto’s free vehicle history check reports to search out information pertaining to a car registered in the UK.

Car insurance main driver not registered keeper


Insuring a car, you don’t legally own

There are lots of reasons why you might want car insurance for a vehicle you don’t legally own. You may wish to borrow a friend or family member’s car for a day, week, or month. You may be driving a car to an MOT station on behalf of someone else.

Whatever the reason, it is your responsibility (and the car owners) to have a valid motor insurance policy whilst behind the wheel.

But in most cases, an insurance company will insist that the policyholder is the primary vehicle user.


Getting insured on someone else’s car

Check you are not already insured

If you have a fully comprehensive policy for a car you already own, there is a reasonable chance you will be insured as a third party to drive another vehicle. In most cases, you will not need to notify the insurance company, DVLA check or police that you are about to drive the vehicle in question.

Check your insurance policy to see if this is the case for you.


Buy an insurance policy

Sounds obvious, but if you are insuring a car you don’t own, notify the insurance company of the fact, so you can meet their terms and conditions.


Become a named driver

A policyholder adds an additional driver to their policy. It’s worth finding out the level of cover you will have as a named driver. This may be dictated by your age, speeding offences you have had in the last 3 years and the cost for each type of cover.

The key here is to be in the know at all times and to minimise risk.


Short term policy

Savvy insurance companies now offer short-term policies for immediate needs. This is straightforward with cover usually available from 28 days to three months.

Who is the legal owner of a car on finance?


There are different types of car finance:

  • Hire purchase
    Registered keeper becomes the legal owner once the total borrowed amount/debt has been paid off, usually in equal monthly instalments. It is sometimes possible to settled an outstanding balance early (this depends on the individual agreement)
  • Personal contract purchase
    Registered keeper has the option to buy the vehicle after the agreed contract period has expired. At this stage, the vehicle can be purchased at the agreed balloon payment charge. In some instances, it may be possible to settle a balloon payment over an agreed period such as 12 or 24 months
  • Lease purchase
    Vehicle remain the property of the lending house
  • Personal contract hire
    Remains the property of the lending house
  • Leasing
    Long term car hire type agreement (minimum of 1-year) with no purchase option


With all agreements listed here, when finance remains outstanding, the vehicle belongs to the lending company. Due to this fact, it is illegal to sell a vehicle with outstanding finance.

Finding out information about a car owner

If you are looking to see who owns a car, your first step is usually a CarVeto report. It provides the nearest online data pertaining to car ownership.


Enter a car reg number below for an instant report


We can provide you with the following information if the car was registered in the UK from new:

  • How many owners the car has had
  • The date the registered keeper acquired the car
  • The length of time the registered keeper has had the car in their possession
  • The date the previous owner sold the car
  • The date the previous owner bought the car
  • Vehicle age
  • Date of registration
  • The city (or region) or postcode area where the car is currently registered with DVLA


If you need further details, the V888 offered by DVLA is your next step. This is the only legal method of obtaining the name and address of the existing or previous keeper. There are specific criteria to meet upon application as stipulated by reasonable cause. This usually includes criteria such as:

  • Road traffic accident queries
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Illegal parking
  • Parking fines
  • Theft of goods
  • Suspicion of insurance fraud (recommend to check the askMID database first)

We know of instances where a DVLA registration check has provided details of the registered keeper and previous keepers, including names and addresses.


Requesting Information About The Registered Keeper From The DVLA

If you want to request information about the registered keeper of a vehicle from the DVLA, you will need to have ‘reasonable cause’.

Check our full reg check guide on requesting information from DVLA. In short, you can request information in 3 capacities:

  1. Request information about an individual V888
  2. Request information as a company about an individual


We have a great deal of additional information surrounding the keepers of a car. Our previous guide discusses a DVLA change of ownership with or without the V5C logbook.

Use the following link to SORN my car

Useful citations included within this guide

Request information from DVLA: https://www.gov.uk/request-information-from-dvla
Request information from DVLA about an individual: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/v888-request-by-an-individual-for-information-about-a-vehicle
Request information from DVLA as a company: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/request-by-a-company-for-keeper-at-date-of-event-information-form-v8882a
Request information from DVLA as a parking ticket issuer: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/v8883-request-for-information-for-those-who-issue-a-parking-charge-notice
DVLA vehicle owner check free

The automotive team, CarVeto

DVLA Logbook Checks When Buying a Car.

DVLA Logbook Checks When Buying a Car.

Case study: V5 check car logbook.


DVLA V5C registration certificate vehicle check.


A recent customer was planning to buy a car from a local dealer in the Midlands. He spoke with the dealers for an on-the-phone V5 check to confirm the date of registration, how many owners the vehicle had and the general condition of the car.

Relates to buying a car or legal car ownership without a V5 log book

V5C Logbook Check

(V5C issue & all available car owner data)

Vehicle enquiry service – checking a DVLA logbook

Our customer had verbal confirmation that the vehicle was registered 31st October 2005 with two owners from new (equal to the current registered keeper and one former keeper). Next, he ran a DVLA logbook check via CarVeto’s vehicle enquiry service.

He bought a CarVeto check to ensure there was no outstanding finance, major accidents, mileage issues and theft alerts.

Our online checks confirmed this information, which initially gave the green light to go ahead and inspect the car in person.


Attention to detail for car buyers

He examined the information in his CarVeto report but noticed a discrepancy in our data compared to the V5 check from the dealers.

The selling dealer stated the vehicle was 2 owners from new (as stated via a V5C check), but Andrew’s CarVeto report reported five owners.

CarVeto had also reported the vehicle was registered from new on 30th January 2007, almost 16 months later than what the dealer has reported.

He contacted our support team, who investigated further.


CarVeto vehicle enquiry service

We ran a manual vehicle check using the free service provided by the DVLA .gov website https://vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/.

Date of registration matched on both CarVeto and DVLA as January 2007.

Logbook sections defined, step by step

See our full DVLA logbook guide (information for new style DVLA logbooks only)

When you are looking to tax a car without V5 or V11 reminder

Comparing basic vehicle information with Gov.uk and CarVeto

online logbook checks with the DVLA
CarVeto V5C logbook checker

Customer email snippet

How to check a V5C log book from DVLA is genuine.

Our team

Unlike CarVeto, DVLA does not include the number of owners for a car, so we decided to contact DVLA directly to investigate a bit further.

We confirmed the number of owners recorded by DVLA and CarVeto were correct. The vehicle was 5 owners from new.

This meant the DVLA logbook needed checking a second time, as it was likely to be fraudulent.

After a conversion with the dealers, it turned out they had taken the car in part exchange some weeks earlier and were cleverly deceived into believing the car was 2005 with 1 previous owner from new.

See our related guide to find a car owner by registration number


Lesson for car buyers

67% Of our customers admitted they did not compare the car owner information on their CarVeto check with the car documentation. Of the 67%, more than 90% said they had bought a CarVeto to ensure the car had no outstanding finance or had ever been stolen.

Our customer was a little more vigilant than most car buyers, and it saved him from losing over £2,000 and considerable stress.

It highlights the importance of protecting your money – to purchase a car that is genuine, reliable and good value, it is crucial to run a free car check via this database before buying CarVeto Platinum check. Both certificates corroborate car data with vehicle documentation.

If you have suffered from DVLA logbook fraud, please get in touch with our support team, as we’d love to hear from you and might be able to help.

The team, CarVeto