Lost Car Documentation – What To Do.
Lost logbook (V5C)
Selling a car without a registration document.
How to apply for a new vehicle logbook via DVLA form V62
If you have defaced or lost your vehicle V5C logbook, you can still transfer ownership of your car or sell it to a third party.
It’s also lawful to do so IF there is no outstanding finance, such as a logbook loan or Hire Purchase.

The legal owner of a car is the person who bought it. Your lost V5C logbook holds the registered keeper and is not proof of ownership.

Selling car without V5?
Use a CarVeto certificate when selling.
Can be helpful if you have lost your V5C log book and are about to sell.
Certificates prove a car with a lost log book doesn’t have a worrying history.
Related links
- New style V5C
- Car owner check
- Contact DVLA with a problem
DVLA vehicle registration enquiries
Telephone: 0300 790 6802
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday, closed
The V5 holds all the pertinent information about your car, including:
- Registered keeper details
- Full vehicle details
- Change of ownership
- Contact forms when notifying DVLA of changes to the vehicle or who is responsibly for it.
Let DVLA know if you have bought or sold a vehicle
When you sell a car DVLA can be notified online, and you’ll get an instant refund for any overpaid road tax licence.
If you are buying or selling a used car, an up-to-date vehicle log book is helpful.
Selling a car without a V5 (registration document)
You can sell a car without the DVLA logbook, but the new keeper needs to apply for a new one using the V62 application form. A new car reg document costs £25 and the fee must be included with the V62 application.
New logbooks are usually sent within 10 days of applying, but may take up to six weeks.
Managing a car sale without the V5C
After you have agreed on a sale, provide the buyer with a receipt (bill of sale) that includes the following information:
- Your name and address
- Date of sale
- Vehicle make and model
- VRM (vehicle registration mark) informally known as car reg number
- VIN (this is best practice)
- Buyers full name and address
- Agreed price and method of payment (ideally BACS transfer)
- Signatures of the buyer and the seller
Typically, with a private sale, the registered keeper will complete section 2 of the new styled V5C and send to DVLA, Swansea. SA99 1BA. The new owner retains the green Section 6 until their new logbook arrives. The buyer is responsible for having car insurance.
Without a logbook, the buyer will need to complete the DVLA V62 form and apply for a logbook as the new owner/keeper.
Click the next link if you want to sell your car online. There’s a full guide on providers and things to look out for.
I have lost my logbook, what are the steps to selling?
Most of us know the pitfalls when buying a car privately. Without the V5C logbook and other car documentation, you’ll find it tricky to sell your car, as it can appear a little suspicious.
Why a seller may not have the V5C
- The registered keeper has been a little irresponsible and not applied to DVLA for a new document (V62 form).
- Vehicle is stolen
- Vehicle is cloned
- It is written off previously
To legitimise the sale, use a CarVeto and DVLA vehicle check certificate. It will prove the vehicle is not stolen, written off or with outstanding finance.
Without the V5, you can’t find out who the registered keeper might be or the number of previous owners (key facts in determining if the car is a worthwhile investment). A CarVeto certificate provides some missing logbook vehicle details.
Getting an urgent logbook V5C replacement
Applying and receiving a new V5 via DVLA is quick and simple. It takes a week or two and costs £25 via the V62 application.
Go to DVLA logbook replacements and get a new one today: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/application-for-a-vehicle-registration-certificate
If the buyer remains interested in your car with a lost logbook, they are likely to haggle hard on price.
What are logbook loans?
This type of lending allows the owner to borrow money against the value of their car. It requires handing over the V5C to the lender and signing a short-term credit agreement. For the duration of the loan, the vehicle belongs to the lender, but you can make monthly payments and continue using your car.
However, it is illegal to sell it until paid off.
Logbook loans explain another reason why the registered keeper might not have the V5C doc.
You can now see the issue a buyer has when a car is without all its documentation and obvious concerns of outstanding finance that risks losing money and the vehicle.
How do I notify DVLA of scrapping my car without a logbook?
When your car has reached its end of life, get it dismantled at an authorised treatment facility ATF, informally known as car breakers or scrapyards.
Dismantling a car does not require a logbook as you usually notify DVLA online. You can scrap your vehicle at an AFT and then notify DVLA you have taken your vehicle to an AFT.
[Vehicle being dismantled at an AFT Authorised Treatment Facility]

What is DVLA best practice when I have lost my logbook?
Keep vehicle documentation up to date at times. It takes just a few minutes to let them know of a change to your vehicle or its ownership by sale or transfer.
Even if you have lost your logbook, it costs just £25 and a simple V62 form application. This is demanded of DVLA to help keep registered keepers within the law. Indeed, it is more manageable than dealing with issues arising from out of date information or loss of money resulting from a sale or transfer.
Related articles
- Motor insurance database checks
- Full blog article list here: https://www.carveto.co.uk/blog-sitemap/part-ii/