Free, instant car tax check

You can also check if a car has a current MOT

A free report includes:

  • Full vehicle details
  • Road tax costs and CO2 output
  • MOT expiry date
  • Export status
  • Fuel type and engine size
  • askMID car insurance check

Enter a registration number and find out when to tax your vehicle.

You can check vehicle tax for any car, van, or motorcycle registered with DVLA.

When you run a free car tax check, scroll to the bottom of your report to see customised MOT history, including MOT due dates, mileage history and previous advisory notes.

Get a free vehicle history check

Instant road tax check

Enter a vehicle registration (for example, WD19VSO)

CarVeto Checks Tax VED.

CarVeto offers one of the best car checks ranging from a free report, Gold for £7.90 and Platinum for £12.90

Why should I check if my vehicle is taxed?

Valid tax (vehicle excise duty) and MOT status are mandatory to drive on the roads legally. You also need valid insurance.

Get a car check

DVLA car tax checker

Quick result and lots of additional data about your vehicle

Stay legal and drive safely

To legally drive on UK roads, you need the following items:

  • Current vehicle tax
  • Current, valid MOT (for vehicles over 3 years of age)
  • Valid insurance (a minimum of third-party car insurance)

With your vehicle’s registration number, you can check these details online via the CarVeto database. Free reports will tell you the data held by the Driver Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) while ensuring you meet essential requirements.

Consider using askMID for a car insurance status check.

Vehicle tax commonly asked questions

Why is some of my vehicle information incorrect?

DVLA takes up to 7 days to update their system, so very recent changes may not be reflected in your free car tax online check.

Why should I use CarVeto to check car tax and not the website?

Our free reports include more helpful information than the vehicle registration database. Learn more about your car, including full vehicle details, performance specifications, and detailed MOT history. Our Gold check includes a stolen car check, mileage anomalies and past car write-off markers.

How can I pay road tax online?

It’s quick and simple, provided you have the correct documents. Pay car tax online with road tax services.

Alternatively, you can buy current vehicle tax at your local post office. Use our free VED calculator – How much is my car tax?

What documents do I need to pay road tax?

You need one of the following to tax your vehicle:

  • V11 Reminder letter
  • V5C Registration document (Logbook reference number)
  • New keeper slip (the green slip) provided by the car’s previous owner
  • Get a free CarVeto car check

A video containing further car tax check information