Understanding the use of cookies on this website and others like it

CarVeto Cookie Policy

As with all best practice UK websites which are purely mini files that are instantly downloaded onto your computer to improve user experience, we use up to date cookies. This page is here to help you understand the information gathered, how it is used and stored. We will briefly describe how to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer or laptop although such settings may reduce the quality of your user experience on any website. CarVeto holds no responsibility for such cases.

To learn more about cookies we cite Wikipedia for a full description: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie


How CarVeto uses cookies

There are a variety of reasons as to why we use the cookie features. Sadly, there are no robust industry standard options for the disabling of cookies without removing or at least disabling offered features on a website or webpage. It is generally suggested that you leave cookies switched on should you be uncertain of how to use them.


Disabling cookies

By adjusting the settings on your browser (Google Chrome, Firefox etc. See your browsers help button for instructions on how to implement this) you can switch cookies on or off and/or adjust their settings. Note, disabling cookies is likely to disturb website use and features. This includes this website www.carveto.co.uk and many others. It is therefore recommended that you keep your cookie settings standard.


Cookies set by CarVeto

Cookies may be used if you are logged into our website. This is designed to support you without having to log back into the website every time you visit. The cookies are typically cleared when you directly log out of the website to ensure that only you can access our restricted features or pages on the site when logged in as a user.


Cookies from third parties

In some rare cases, we may also access the use of cookies by trusted, third-party websites. The section below describes which secondary or third-party cookies you can potentially encounter on www.carveto.co.uk

www.carveto.co.uk makes full use of the open resource tool provided by Google. Google Analytics is regarded as one of the more trusted online analytical tools for supporting website owners and webmasters to better understand the behaviour of website visitors, demographics, geo locations (region specific only) and other useful data. This data helps site owners to improve user experience around subjects like page speed, mobile usability and much, much more.

You can find more quality information for Google Analytics cookies via their official website: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage


Additional information

We hope this article helps you to better understand the use of cookies. If you require further information or have a concern or direct question, please get in touch with us using our preferred contact methods via our contact page.

Read our website information pages


The team at CarVeto