Tell DVLA of a change of ownership from a sold, purchased or transferred car
DVLA and changes of name or address to the V5C logbook
How to report vehicle changes online and offline
Part of every sale and transfer of a used car involves telling the DVLA. You may sell a car privately, to trade such as a dealer or car buying service, your spouse, or another family member, or if the registered keeper has died.
Below are the steps to DVLA change of ownership and/or V5C change of address.
This guide stipulates the steps you need to take with or without the V5C registration document of car ownership, otherwise known as the logbook.
In most cases, DVLA prefers online notifications, although you can still use the appropriate sections of the logbook if you have one or via a logbook application form V62. There are instances where hardcopy notification is compulsory.
Around 20% of the data we source is direct from DVLA. Other sources include Police theft markers, National Insurance Database, MIAFTR, MIB, Experian and a few more.
A CarVeto provides a thorough, online history for any car registered in the UK from new.
For those buying or selling a used car
Related guides
- Check our DVLA ownership guide
- Useful guide to how to sell a car
- How to get a DVLA vehicle check
Table of contents
- Notify DVLA online from a private sale
- Notify DVLA offline from a private sale
- New keepers supplement
- Changing owner from a death
- Retaining a vehicle from a death
- Changes without a logbook
- Selling a vehicle after a death
- Selling to trade
- Selling a vehicle without a logbook
- Taxing a vehicle after change of owner
Private sale change of owner (change log book online)
How to transfer car ownership online (DVLA new keeper)
Online notification via the DVLA website is quick and easy, with some standard questions about new owner information.
To notify you have sold a car, you need the 11-digit V5C logbook reference number with the name and address of the new owner.
Note, this step should only be taken after the sale or transfer has been agreed in full.
We recommend transferring car ownership online because the DVLA new keeper is instantly notified, and the new registered keeper will receive their logbook, usually within 5 days.
Should the new owner trigger a speed camera or parking fine right after buying the car, DVLA will instantly know who is responsible. Use a free car check to examine car history.
Image displaying the V5C 11-digit reference number

Private sale change of owner (register new keeper DVLA)
Transfer ownership offline with the car registration document
Complete the new keeper details in Section 6 and complete the V5C logbook check. This part of your car document is used for transfer of ownership and existing owner change of name or address.
It is mandatory to include the date of sale of the transfer. There are options to include the mileage at the time of sale (DVLA find this information useful as a method to flag car clocking) and/or the person’s driving licence number.
Note the letter K in section 6. Always tick this box as confirmation of the DVLA change of keeper or personal details.
Finally, complete Section 8 by signing the declaration. Both yourself and the new keeper must sign the document. Send this part of the document to the DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BN.
The new keeper will receive their logbook within 4 weeks but usually it’s within 7 days.
Image displaying Section 6 of V5C

New keeper supplement
The new owner might expect to take the logbook home with them. Instead, they get the green new keepers supplement, Section 10 V5C/2. The new keeper can tax the vehicle with this section if required but should be destroyed once their new logbook arrives.
Related article:
Use the following link to read more about car owner changes from a CarVeto history report
Image displaying Section 10 of V5C (New Keeper Supplement)

Change of owner from a death
First, try to access the ‘Tell Us Once’ .gov service It’s not available nationwide, so you’ll need to check it out for yourself.
Alternatively, notify by letter. Include your relationship to the existing owner, the date when they passed away, and their personal details.
Send the letter to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AB
Keeping a vehicle after a death
This easily occurs, and you’ll need to let DVLA know your intentions. Complete Section 6 of the logbook and mark the New Keeper box.
Existing vehicle tax
Send the V5C and retain Section 10. It is best to write a brief letter explaining your situation and intention. There may be a road tax refund due. Let DVLA know where that payment should be made.
Send your letter together with the logbook to DVLA Sensitive Casework Team, Swansea, SA99 1ZZ.
Once done, you can go ahead and tax the car online or at the post office with the Section 10 slip.
DVLA SORN notification
SORN DVLA is commonplace after death as executors, friends of family members may not know what to do with the vehicle left over by the deceased. You can include the V890 form alongside your letter and the V5C logbook. This allows you to take the car off the road without the need for car insurance or road tax.
Again, there may be refunds due for any advance payments of a road fund licence.
No logbook
There is a fee of £25 with a completed V62 logbook application form (use this link to download the PDF provided below):
Again, include a brief letter explaining the death and their personal details. Use the same address DVLA Swansea SA99 1ZZ.
As above, if you plan to SORN the car, include the V890 form:
Here is the link:
- If you need help to tax car without v5
Selling a car after the registered owner has died
Without logbook
If you don’t have the logbook, there is the V62 application form and fee of £25 to apply for a new logbook. This includes selling privately or to the motor trade.
Use the following citation for notifying DVLA online about selling a car after a death:
With logbook
If you have the logbook and are selling privately, complete Section 6. Include a brief letter explaining the death, date of death etc and request for any road tax refund.
If selling to the trade, complete Section 9. This enables the dealer to retain the car from the change of ownership together with the logbook, so they may resell the car. You will need to send Section 9 to DVLA and send with your letter explaining the circumstances.
Send all of this information to DVLA Sensitive Casework Team, Swansea, SA99 1ZZ.
DVLA Sold car to a dealer
An outright sale or part exchange to a car dealer requires that you complete Section 9, also known as the Yellow Slip V5C/3. Include the dealer’s trading name, registered address, VAT number and date of sale. Both parties must sign, and you send:
Sold my car DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BN.
The dealer keeps the rest of the V5C logbook, but they are not the car’s registered keeper.
Image displaying Section 9 of V5C (Notification of DVLA Sell My Car to a Motor Trader, Insurer, or Dismantler)

Selling a car without a logbook
CarVeto strongly recommends not buying or selling a car without a valid V5C logbook. We check thousands of vehicle every year and a huge 3% are classed as stolen via Police theft markers or motor insurance claims resulting in a payout.
Selling without a logbook is a red flag and can indicate that the car is stolen goods.
Selling a car without V5C logbook
As you can see, having a V5C is imperative to changing vehicle ownership easily whether you complete the process online or via post. The DVLA actively advises motorists to not buy a car if the seller doesn’t have the V5C because it is difficult to tax and you could be purchasing a stolen vehicle.
Best practice dictates applying for a new logbook via the V62 form together with a fee of £25. It will make your sales process much easier and you remain safe and within the law.
Taxing a car after notifying DVLA of change of ownership
The law changed some years ago preventing motorists from transferring road tax. The new keeper must tax a car in order to drive legally on public highways.
Useful links
This article provides car owner registration information
This recent guide covers DVLA stolen car check
The team, CarVeto
Citations included in this article:
Tell DVLA about a change of owner:
Tell Us Once:
DVLA SORN application page:
V890 SORN application form PDF:
V62 Logbook application form PDF:
Selling a car after a death:
Driving and medial issues:
CarVeto blogroll part II